Claudio Monteverdi heard her perform in 1610, and subsequently wrote to his friend Cardinale Ferdinando Gonzaga, "...udi a Firenze la signora figola di Sr. G.R. molto ben cantare e suonare di liuto chitaronato et clavicembalo.".(...I heard, in Florence, the daughter of Mr. G.R. (Guilio Romano Caccini) sing very well and play the lute, the guitar, and the harpsichord.)
It is fascinating to find out that she composed a vast variety of genres, including operas, which were even printed. At the same time, I was surprised that I knew so little about her.
You can find and download the presentation about Francesca Caccini here. It also includes a listening exercise. The presentation is based on research by Verena Gruber.